Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another shed (little this time)

When we built the shed behind our house last summer, it solved a lot of problems of storage and gave me a shop for projects. But the lawn mower and the wheelbarrow were still in the rain, getting garden tools meant one walk after another, back-and-forth, and clutter was taking over. So, another shed came into being. This one is right outside our garden. It is a tiny 4 X 8 feet, with just enough room for everything we need for grounds projects. It took less than a week to build, and I did all the work myself except for finishing the roof . That I left to our capable carpenter/painter, Danny Knarr—who knows more about getting roofs just right than I will ever know.


Chris said...

Hello Mr. Loader!

I am interested in building a playhouse for my kids (2 girls) that I can later turn into a shed for myself. I am thinking that a half-timbered effect with stucco, and thatch applied to a very steep roof would allow for a small scale look and a fairytale cottage affect, but with high enough ceilings to be useful when they are done with it. I'm pretty handy, but have never done any timber framing. I have built covered deck, and some mortise and tenon furniture, and worked with stucco and tile, but am concerned about getting in over my head with such a plan. Any tips, thoughts, pointers, books etc you might have?



Wes Loder said...

I am not a timber framer myself. Just like to use it in my buildings. If you can cut precise mortise and tenon joints and cut beams to length, you should be all right. Make sure you have a high-quality, sharp chisel. Thanks for looking at my blog. WES